Friday, 14 February 2014



Tempat terbaik jual emas ialah tempat di mana kita beli. Kalau beli emas Poh Kong, jual balik kepada Poh Kong, jangan jual pada Habib Jewel. Poh Kong akan beli balik pada harga tinggi emas keluarannya dengan syarat, kita masih simpan RESIT ASAL dan emas tu masih dalam kondisi yang baik.

Emas lain pun macam tu. Kalau beli emas Habib Jewel, jual balik kepada Habib j...ewel untuk dapat harga terbaik, tapi syaratnya pastikan RESIT masih ada untuk dapat harga terbaik.

Cuma kelebihan Public Gold, Public Gold jamin beli balik emas tu dengan HARGA MAHAL walaupun:

(1) Emas calar, kemek, atau bengkok
(2) Hilang resit
(3) Hilang sijil ketulenan (cuma tolak RM10 jer)

Bagi saya, simpan emas Public Gold lebih peace of mind. Tak perlu risau resit, sijil bahkan tak perlu risau emas tu calar, kemek atau bengkok. Janji berat asal masih maintain.

Wallahu a'lam.

(artikel diambil dari
Authorised Dealer PG

Thursday, 6 February 2014


* * * Sila TANYA berapa spread emas yang anda mahu beli dekat tokey kedai emas sebelum anda beli dan me...ngalami kerugian * * *

Apa itu spread ?

Spread adalah perbezaan antara harga beli dan jual balik emas fizikal yang dibeli samada dikedai emas biasa atau syarikat emas.

Contoh :


( Harga beli = RM15 000)
(Harga jual balik semasa = RM 13 500 )

Spread =

1)RM 15 000 - RM 13500 = RM 1500
2) RM 1500 / RM 15 000 = 0.1
3 ) 0.1 X 100% = 10%

= Spread bagi 100gram diatas adalah sebanyak 10%

Jadi, apa maknanya ?

Anda perlu menunggu kenaikan melebihi 10% harga emas untuk anda mampu menjual balik dan dapat keuntungan daripada Emas anda.

* * * Spread adalah penentu berapa banyak Untung anda boleh dapat dan berapa lama masa diambil untuk dapat untung. ***

*** Pilih Emas yang punya spread TERENDAH untuk UNTUNG MAKSIMA * * *

Public Gold Menawarkan Emas Dengan SPREAD TERENDAH untuk anda mendapat KEUNTUNGAN TERBAIK

Spread 250gram & 500gram GOLDBAR PUBLIC GOLD = 4.5%

Lebih rendah sekiranya anda adalah dealer Public Gold.

Spread baru bila anda :

Normal Dealer = 4.5% - 1.5% = 3%
Priority Dealer = 4.5% - 2.0% = 2.5%
Master Dealer = 4.5% - 2.5% = 2.0%

Dengan Spread serendah 2.0% sahaja ?

Yup...Ini RAHSIANYA...Sebab itu ramai dealer boleh beli dan jual dalam masa yang singkat.Ada rekod dalam masa semalaman sahaja sudah meraih keuntungan.


1 ) Hanya dengan belian 350 gram,,anda automatik mendapat taraf Priority Dealer dan mendapat keistimewaan seperti diatas.

2 ) Hanya dengan belian 100gram , anda automatik mendapat taraf Normal Dealer dan mendapat keistimewaan seperti diatas.

PM saya atau hubungi di 0123932914
Aferiza AfeGold
 Authorised Dealer of Public Gold

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Pilihan Bijak Menyimpan Emas Fizikal

1-Emas ialah kekayaan sebenar@asset terunggul
2-Harga Emas Miningkat dalam jangka masa panjang
3-Nilai Wang kertas sentiasa jatuh dalam jangkamasa panjang
4-Ia tidak boleh dimanipulasikan.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

People Buy Gold as they want 'something tangible'

A London-based bullion dealer has explained today (April 2nd) that Investing in Gold is on the rise as people are looking for a store of value, the Economist reports.

Recent World Gold Council data show that retail demand for Gold Bullion was almost five times higher in the fourth quarter of 2008 compared to the equivalent period 12 months earlier.

Now Sandra Conway from ATS Bullion has explained that the latest rush took off in earnest last September as investors desperately looked for a safe haven after the fall of Lehman Brothers.

She told the news provider: "People want something tangible in their hands as a safeguard."

Similar sentiments were expressed by Oliver Temple, who runs Gold Investments, a London-based family business which provides consumers with physical gold.

He explained that at a time when most asset classes have been underperforming and financial markets have suffered dramatically, buying gold represents a sound investment.

"People assume that, if everything else in the world goes wrong, gold will hold its value," he told the Economist.

Want to Buy Gold but unsure how to do it? For dealing spreads of $3 per ounce – plus secure, professional storage in Zurich, Switzerland for just 0.12% per year – click through to BullionVault now...
Buy gold at the lowest prices in the safest vaults today...

Sell Gold

This articles is about how and why one would sell gold. The need or desire to sell gold can be just as important to some people as it is to buy gold. Some daily investors buy and sell gold on a regular basis. They tend to be more professional rather than just the guy in the street who is not so familiar with the ins and outs of the gold market. So how does the ordinary person sell gold and why should they?

Why Sell Gold
Some times the need arises to sell gold. For example, if circumstances demand that we need funds for some emergency or we see some potential in the market that demands quick action which we cannot resist.

People keep gold for various reasons. Asset protection, catching a good opportunity when the value of gold increases. Preserving assets which others cannot access (ex spouses, creditors etc). Even just liking the idea of keeping ones assets in gold rather than in a bank.

So the reasons to sell gold may vary also. Cashing in some assets to recover funds for some purpose such as pay bills, buy that car you have always wanted, take advantage of a dramatic increase in gold value. Seeing an opportunity elsewhere and selling your gold to utilize those funds elsewhere.

How to Sell Gold
How you sell gold can depend on what types of gold you have.

You might not want to sell all of your gold so if you have bullion in the form of coins and bars, these are easy to sell. You can sell all or even just a portion of your total gold holding this way. Most dealers and even private individuals are willing to buy gold. Generally you will get, from a dealer, just below spot. The dealer also wants to make some money and he has to on sell the gold to do so. Selling privately you can get the spot price and sometimes a little more. Gold sold by online auctions, such as eBay generally sell for over spot. But if the price of gold moves up quickly the buyer can still get a good deal. Timing is everything here.

Here are a few points worth remembering also.

Coins are easier to sell than the larger bars. Basically people do not have to pay so much money for coins. A ten ounce bar is a lot of money for many people and comes under the category of big ticket items. Such bullion bars would really be sold to dealers who have a high cash flow. Individuals will buy coins however and generally pa over the then current value or price of gold..

Of course, the price you get for selling your gold is dependent on the prevailing price of gold at that time.

If you are going to select a dealer, ensure you select a reputable one for your gold coins or gold bullion. The larger dealers online have a reputation to consider and also have a standard process for buying gold. It is good advice, also, to check a number of established reputable dealers as the price offers may vary.

When it comes to selling by auction, such as eBay, it will be easier if you have an established eBay account with a track record as expressed in the feedback pages. However, if you are selling large quantities of gold coins you might want to consider one of the larger auction houses such as Sotheby’s for example.

But if you are simply selling one or two gold coins then a dealer would most likely be your best option. Some coins are easier to sell that others. Canadian Maple Leaf Gold Coins, American Eagle and Sovereigns are always popular with buyers and consequently very easy to sell.

Should you Sell Gold
For most of us, the entrance point into the fascinating world of gold is actually owning gold in the form of coins of various types and sizes or perhaps, if we are more fortunate, gold bullion bars,.

Most people like to save their gold coins and bullion not just for the looks or for the knowledge that they "own some gold", but also for investment purposes. One can quite easily accumulate a healthy investment in gold which, over time, does not diminish but in fact improves in value.

The best advice for selling gold is of course don’t sell gold but instead buy gold.

But if you absolutely must sell gold, rest assured that at least you will get top value for your gold coins or gold bullion!

Monday, 2 December 2013

Bijak kendali kewangan

Satu ketika dulu ketika sedang mengeluarkan duit dari mesin ATM, anak bongsu saya ketika itu masih setahun jagung mengatakan papanya dapat duit ‘free’! Mesin ATM terbabit memberi duit secara percuma kepada sesiapa saja yang memasukkan kad dan menekan butang pada skrin. Alangkah bahagia sekiranya ia benar!

Sebagai seorang dewasa, kita sudah biasa dengan perihal kewangan kerana ia menjadi sebahagian besar dalam hidup kita sejak mula bekerja sehingga kita terlupa mendidik anak kecil sehingga remaja mengenai asas wang.

Si kecil pastinya tidak tahu wang yang keluar di mesin ATM adalah hasil kerja kita pagi hingga petang setiap hari. Anak remaja juga pasti tidak tahu telefon pintar yang dibelikan si ayah menggunakan kad kredit perlu dibayar faedah sehingga 18 peratus daripada harga asal.

Akibat tidak didedahkan pada konsep kewangan dan penggunaan wang yang bijak, ramai muda-mudi hari ini diisytiharkan muflis. Jumlahnya agak menakutkan!

Apabila berkeluarga, tanggungjawab ibu dan ayah untuk mendidik asas perihal kewangan kepada anak. Di tadika, sekolah rendah hingga sekolah menengah, sememangnya tiada atau sekiranya ada pun, amat kurang pendedahan bijak membelanjakan wang kepada anak-anak.

Sememangnya satu masa dulu, berbincang mengenai wang dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang dilarang dalam sesebuah keluarga, namun hari ini amat penting untuk berbincang mengenai wang dari anak kecil sehingga remaja, bersama suami dan isteri kerana kos sara hidup hari ini semakin tinggi.

Pesanan kepada anak kecil:

Dedahkan asas kewangan kepada si kecil. Galakkan mereka menyimpan wang siling dan menabung. Beri mereka peluang untuk menggunakan wang dan lakukan bayaran di kedai apabila membeli sesuatu seperti gula-gula atau coklat yang mereka mahu. Pendedahan awal transaksi wang dan barangan akan membantu mereka faham untuk mendapatkan sesuatu (beli), perlu memberi sesuatu yang lain (bayar).

Apabila si kecil membesar dan lebih mengenali wang, dedahkan mereka kepada bajet dalam kewangan. Berikan sejumlah wang seperti RM5 seminggu sebagai bajet mereka membeli gula-gula atau coklat dan hanya terhad kepada jumlah itu saja sepanjang minggu. Ini mengajar mereka asas bajet!

Pesanan kepada anak remaja:

Anak remaja semakin bijak dan boleh didedahkan dengan perkara yang lebih rumit mengenai kewangan. Mulakan dengan menggalakkan mereka menyimpan rekod segala perbelanjaan dan pendapatan daripada ibu dan ayah dalam buku rekod atau dalam aplikasi telefon pintar.

Setiap minggu, perlu imbangkan perbelanjaan dan pendapatan seterusnya laporkan kepada anda baki yang tinggal.

Perkenalkan konsep simpanan dan kadar keuntungan atas simpanan dan pelaburan. Tidak lupa juga dengan faedah yang dikenakan atas pinjaman kereta, rumah dan kad kredit. Memahami konsep kewangan di usia yang muda pasti akan membantu mereka ketika melangkah ke alam bekerja.

Pesanan untuk isteri:

Selalunya wanita lebih bijak dalam mengendalikan kewangan. Sifat wanita yang lebih berhati-hati dengan kewangan membuatkan kaum isteri terbaik menguruskan wang. Dalam keluarga, perlu ada salah seorang - suami atau isteri - mengendalikan dan memantau kewangan keluarga.

Jadikan aktiviti berbincang mengenai wang sebagai satu rutin sebulan sekali atau sebulan dua kali untuk memberi gambaran kewangan keluarga kepada anak-anak. Tidak semestinya semua maklumat terperinci mengenai wang perlu diketahui anak-anak, tetapi memadai mereka turut terbabit dalam perkara kewangan seperti bajet untuk bercuti, simpanan untuk membeli-belah serta perbelanjaan musim perayaan. Ibu boleh jadikan perbincangan kewangan sebagai aktiviti yang menyeronokkan dan tidak membosankan.

Pesanan untuk suami:

Sebagai ketua keluarga, perlu menunjukkan contoh terbaik dalam mengendalikan kewangan. Mengajar si kecil berjimat dan anak remaja untuk merekodkan kewangan dan menjadi bijak wang tidak akan bermakna sekiranya si ayah boros dan tidak endahkan perihal kewangan. Ketuai keluarga dalam perihal kewangan dengan memberi contoh yang baik.

Untuk menjadi bijak wang, perlu sama ada kurangkan perbelanjaan, tambahkan pendapatan atau kedua-duanya sekali. Cari peluang dan ruang untuk berjimat kewangan keluarga. Juga, fikirkan peluang dan ruang dalam menjana pendapatan tambahan.

Menjadi kuat sekiranya terdapat sebarang masalah kewangan dan mencari penyelesaian terbaik bagi apa saja masalah antara sifat ketua keluarga yang hebat.

Perihal kewangan menjadi tanggungjawab keluarga bersama. Mengamalkan tabiat kewangan sihat dari kecil hingga dewasa akan membuatkan institusi kekeluargaan lebih rapat dan harmoni. Memang tidak dinafikan antara punca keretakan rumah tangga adalah isu kewangan. Oleh itu, seperti penyakit, pastikan sebelum terkena, segala langkah untuk menghindarinya sudah dilakukan.

Artikel ini disiarkan pada : 2013/11/29


Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Big Earners Do These Things

Last Updated November 25, 2013

What does it take to be a top earner? Although everyone’s path is different — it’s not surprising that earning a high income is usually achieved by working harder than most. And among high rollers, you’ll find many entrepreneurs who have created something special to offer in the market place.

Beyond creating a special product or niche – when you look a little closer at the personality and character traits of those in top income tiers you’ll find certain things in common. Most have been able to:

Follow their passion in life: The old saying, ‘Do what you love and the money will follow,” looks to be very true. High earners – everyone from Warren Buffet to the Kardashians followed their passion with unwavering confidence and persistence. For example, Warren Buffet made his first investment at age 11 with $1,000… and never stopped. And from an early age the Kardashians were encouraged to follow their passion; no-one ever questioned their love of fashion and make-up as being too frivolous

Establish clear goals and follow though with an actionable vision. It helps to start young. But at any age, establishing clear goals is an important first step to becoming a high earner. Even if it only means writing down how much money you’d like to earn in the next year. Progress by setting goals for specific time periods and then lay out a plan for achieving your vision. It helps to write things down.

Show hard work, resilience, and persistence.
One of the richest men in the world, George Soros, wasn’t endowed with a silver spoon upbringing. He began his career selling products at an open air market. But he wanted more, and once his education was complete – he persisted with job applications until he finally secured a position at a Merchant Bank in London.

Stay fit and maintain a disciplined lifestyle:
Most big earners are high energy people who are in top physical shape. Evidence suggests that keeping fit and healthy can benefit your job performance, which may in turn impress the boss and help you climb the ladder and get that raise. Yet Professor Cary Cooper, professor of organizational psychology at Lancaster University Management School, cautions against concluding that just working out at the gym will necessarily translate into success at work. He adds: ‘People who are driven to succeed at work are driven in every other aspect of their lives.” So you’ll often find them at the top when it comes to physical fitness.